Friday, 18 May 2012

“Eu acho que os dinossauros maiores são apenas maiores. Nós é que somos os melhores. Somos poderosos! Somos poderosos! Temos o poder dos pequeninos!”
O comboio dos dinossauros – Tota

PS: Yes, I watch cartoons. Deal with it!

“Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) was 10 years old when his father died of cancer. At the funeral Billie couldn’t handle it, so he ran home to his house and locked himself in his room. His worried mother ran after him only to find the door locked, she asked him to come out but he only said “Wake me up when September ends” (Billie’s dad died in September).”

Yes, you are!

“Just because you’re fat doesn’t mean you don’t exercise and eat junk food 24/7. Being skinny isn’t being anorexic. Asian eyes aren’t all slanty, and being black doesn’t mean you’re in a gang. Cutting yourself doesn’t make you emo, getting A’s doesn’t mean you’re a nerd. Wearing black doesn’t make you goth, and being gay doesn’t mean you’ll give someone aids. Reblog this if you want to end the negativity that comes with stereotypes.”

Too much greatness: Sherlock, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, The Lord of The Rings!

“[After Merlin realizes Arthur did not know if the berries would hide them from the Wildren]
Arthur: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have risked your life like that.
Merlin: Well. They do say love makes you do strange things…
Arthur: What are you talking about?
Merlin: Why can’t you just admit your feelings for Gwen? [Arthur starts to walk away] It’s so obvious! A blind man could see it! Is it really that hard to admit you like her? Just say it!
Arthur: I can’t. How can I admit that I think about her all the time? Or that I care about her more than anyone? How can I admit that I don’t know what I’ll do if any harm comes to her?
Merlin: Why can’t you?
Arthur: Because nothing can ever happen between us! To admit my feelings, knowing that… hurts too much.”

gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg     Merlin, 2x04

I loved this episode! It's beautiful the way that Arthur admits his love for Gwen.
“I don’t age, I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone that you— … You can spend the rest of your life with me, but I can’t spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That’s the curse of the timelords.”

So sad! 

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were going camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said: “Watson, look up and tell me what you see.” Watson replied: “I see millions and millions of stars.” Holmes said: “And what do you deduce from that?” Watson replied: “Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like earth out there. And if there are a few planets like earth out there, there might also be life.” And Holmes said: “Watson, you idiot, it means that somebody stole our tent.” 

"The Greeks thought that homosexuality was more pure than heterosexuality, because one of the main purposes of heterosexuality is the option of reproduction. The Greeks considered heterosexuals desire for only this to be greedy, where as homosexual love is more about true love for the other person, not just the desire to reproduce. Also, because homosexual love isn't the dominant culture. It's different."

A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. 
Leo Buscaglia

Monday, 7 May 2012

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Book of Spells

rei de Espanha mata Elefante num Safari

Muitos de vocês devem-se ter deparado com esta foto/noticia. 
No outro dia estava a ler o jornal e deparo-me com esta noticia!
Dizia que o rei de Espanha tinha morto um elefante num safari no Botswana, e aparentemente precisou de disparar 7 tiros (acho eu!) até o pobre do elefante morrer.
Só é pena eles não terem feito ricochete e terem acertado nele. Mas quem é que ele pensa que é para andar a matar espécies protegidas!? Nem que não fosse! Os animais estão muito bem onde estão. A desempenhar um papel mais importante para o planeta Terra do que o deste homem.
E vejam esta bela ironia: ele é presidente de honra da organização ambiental WWF.

Ah! E ainda por cima parece que usou dinheiro dos contribuintes espanhóis para pagar a viagem!

Vá mas nem tudo é mau! Parece que ele caiu e partiu a anca, ou algo do género!