Thursday, 21 June 2012

Alguém sabe quem é este?

gabby bloom (

This is the kind of teachers that I have, I mean had :'(

Math Teacher:

Claro que eu não podia arrumar o computador sem antes desejar tudo de bom para o exame de amanhã. Um beijinho/abraço e fico a fazer muita força para que saiam do exame muito felizes. Não que seja necessário, pois vocês já sabem a matéria de trás para a frente e da frente para trás. Vai correr tudo muito, super, hiper BEM :)

Portuguese Teacher:
Bom dia

O meu pai acabou de falecer. Na 2ª feira não vou poder ir dar aulas. Vou agora para Afife mas se quiserem contactar comigo ou mandem um mail ou liguem (91*******). Só quero que estejam descansados porque eu vou dar as aulas que faltam e vou fazer as revisões todas para o exame. Avisem os pais para que não se preocupem porque não é agora que vos vou deixar mal.


Thursday, 14 June 2012

Acidentes trágicos numa profissão de risco

      Apesar do treino intensivo a que se submetem quase diariamente e de conhecerem técnicas de defesa e protecção como ninguém, nem sempre as coisas correm como esperado. Se por cá as coisas se resumem a escoriações, nódoas negras e pouco mais, lá fora já houve quem perdesse a vida numa cena mais arriscada. Um grave acidente na rodagem do filme Os Mercenários 2, que se realizou na cidade de Ognyanovo, Bulgária, resultou na morte de um duplo e um outro ficou gravemente ferido."É com grande que confirmamos este acidente triste", disse fonte da produtora Nu Image/Millennium Films. "Os nossos corações estão com as famílias e com todos os membros da produção afectados pela tragédia."
     Na rodagem do filme Harry Potter e as Relíquias da Morte, o duplo de Daniel Radcliffe ficou paraplégico na sequência de uma queda. Daniel Holmes, de 25 anos, foi submetido a uma cirurgia, mas os médicos acabaram por confirmar o pior cenário: estava condenado a ficar dependente de uma cadeira de rodas para o resto da vida. O acidente ocorreu quando o duplo da protagonista da saga Harry Potter estava a fazer uma sequência de voo, usando cabos, ma um acidente fez com que fosse arremessado para o chão devido a uma explosão.
      Scott McLean, um dos duplos do filme A Ressaca - Parte 2 decidiu processar a Warner Bros depois de ter sofrido um grave acidente durante as rodagens do filme. Scott McLean acusou o coordenador, Russel Solberg, de ter alterado o tempo nas manobras de precisão e timing, depois de terem iniciado a cena, fazendo com que atingisse uma velocidade pouco segura, originando o acidente. O advogado revelou que o duplo sofreu danos permanetes no cérebro, o que poderia vir a impossibilitar a continuidade da sua profissão.
      Mais recentemente, um dos duplos do novo filme de James Bond, Sky Fall, sofreu um acidente de moto em Istambul, Turquia. Depois de ter perdido o controlo do veiculo no qual seguia, o duplo acabou por embater contra o vidro de uma loja de joias, e ficou com vários ferimentos no corpo e na cabeça.
in Noticias TV

Na minha opinião não se dá o devido valor aos duplos.
Muitas vezes quando um actor se magoa durante as gravações é logo notícia mas quando são os duplos raramente se fala! São eles que fazem as cenas mais perigosas e, que eu saiba. não existe nenhum prémio que reconheça trabalho que fazem!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

“There’s a hole in the world like a great black pit 
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
And its morals aren’t worth what a pig could spit
And it goes by the name of London.”

Sweeny Todd

Justin: You’re not alright.
Brian: Then what the hell are you asking me for?
Justin: So that I can tell you what a mother fucking piece of shit you are for not telling me! For shutting me out. For thinking that you could handle this on your own. And most of all, for thinking that I would leave you. Why would you think that? Cause you had a ball removed? Cause you’re no longer perfect? Well, believe me, Mr. Kinney, that is the least of your imperfections. And if I’d wanted to leave you, I’ve had better reasons. Plenty of them.
Brian: Maybe you should have.
Justin: Yeah, maybe you’re right. But I thought we had a commitment and I plan to stand by it. Now why don’t you get your ass back in bed, you son of a bitch, and eat some fucking chicken soup. 

Saturday, 9 June 2012

George couldn’t summon the happening to mind. He couldn’t recall falling asleep. Not even how he came to be standing before a mirror he and Fred had only found once. A mirror that had showed exactly what they were then. This time - they were on different sides of it. As it was, Fred bore the same attire as he, and suddenly it was like nothing had changed.
‘Am I?’
‘Of course.’
‘Then how am I talking to you? Have I gone mad?’ asked George.
‘Weren’t we always mad? As hatters, brother mine?’ said Fred.
The mirror did not ripple when he touched it, not like he thought it would. Some hope that dwelled in him had said that maybe if he touched it, he could pass through it, and touch the tips of his fingers to his physical reflection. But it did not, and he could only feel the cold surface of glass.
‘What is this?’
‘They call it the Mirror of Erised. We found it once before, y’remember?’ asked Fred, and George nodded. ‘Well, it shows you your hearts’ desire.’ His voice changed; soft and young like they sounded back in the early days. Suddenly, he was looking at a child version of his twin. ‘I’m sorry I died on you, Georgie.’
‘I miss you,’ whispered George, unphased to find his voice the same child-like state as his twins’. He blinked and Fred was back to his last living age, in damaged plaid and his face frozen in a laugh that had been his last. George would not have forgotten it so easily if not at all.
When he woke, he did so crying.

(written by we-reidentical

Interviewer: How would you feel about kissing either Rupert or Daniel?
Emma: Oh my god. Um no chance. No chance. It’s not written in my contract! 

“Harry Potter has to go into the lake and find his Wheezy”
“Find my what?”
“and take his Wheezy back from the merpeople!”
“What’s a Wheezy?”
“Your Wheezy, sir, your Wheezy - Wheezy who is giving Dobby his sweater!”
“What?” Harry gasped. “They’ve got… they’ve got Ron?”
The thing Harry Potter will miss most, sir!

The thing Harry Potter will miss most, sir!

“A few films before the end Emma and I were having a bit of a girlie chat in her dressing room and she said, “I think I’m going to have to end up kissing Rupert aren’t I?” and I said, “Well if the books are written as I planned them, you’ll have to kiss both of them,” and she laughed so much she rolled off the sofa"

There must always be a struggle between a father and son,  while one aims at power and the other at independence. 
Samuel Johnson 

Melanie:”Why does it matter to you if Gus is circumcised?”
Brian:”It matters that he’s been in this world less than a week, and already there are people who won’t accept him for the way he is, who’d even mutilate him rather than let him be the way he is, the way he was born.” 

Sherlock: I need to get some air, we’re going out tonight.
John: Actually, I’ve got a date.
Sherlock: What?
John: It’s where two people who like each other go out and have fun.
Sherlock: That’s what I was suggesting.
John: No, it wasn’t. At least I hope not. 

Don’t you ever wonder what
Will happen when it ends?
How can we let go of the
Ones who we call friends?