Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Can someone help me?

I just deleted a winrar file from my external hardrive and it started to delete my movies and series so I canceled it...
And now I lost all my movies and some of my series and I'm afraid that if I delete this file it will delete everything... And the worse thing is that I have it on my deskop, witch means it can delete everything from my computer.

My software is Vista Home Premium and my computer is Acer Extensa 5635ZG...

Saturday, 26 January 2013

If everything goes well, I'm on vacation on Monday :)
And the first thing to do is sleep

Friday, 18 January 2013

That awkward moment when...

Your teacher says that he met Calvin.

Yeah the one from the Calvin Cycle.

Oh and that he took advantage of his helpers...

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Please tell me that Merlin doesn´t end with this season!
It can't... It can´t...It can't...

I didn´t saw it but my sister is next to me telling me that's Arthur dies!